Monday, November 24, 2014

Could Hunger Games be Our Future?!

Let me start by putting it out there, I don't read. Books have never been enticing to me no matter how
amazing someone claims the story is. So I just wait for the movie to come out. One series that has caught my attention has been the Hunger Game series, which depicts a future that could be our own if we do not start to shape up our government and way of life.

Because I don't read so I didn't know this: Panem, the country in which the Hunger Games takes place is America. That blew my mind when I found out. We are living in an exciting time where we will experience rapid change in technology and social engineering. The baby boomers are dying out and it will soon be up to generations X and Y to reshape our future.

Scientist have concluded that there are 4 possible futures for the human race: Collapse, Creative Response, Techno-Stability, and Techno-Explosion.

The Collapse: is essentially the apocalypse. Nothing lives, everything we have work towards dies out and in another billion years there will begin a new era. 

Creative Response: is the most likely of our options. We will use up everything and continue to ignore our problems until our way of life is drastically altered. The planet is severely ruined but small pockets of civilization will survive. Most will be poor but there will be a small group of power holders who will hold power. This outcome is the most similar to Panem in Hunger Games. 

Techno-Stability: we face our problems head on and throw out the thought of "well I wont be here when it goes to shit". We start making real sacrifices and find solutions to our problems that work with the environment to have a relatively comfortable standard of living in the future. This future will also include the modern elite to be stemmed, spreading the wealth and power.

Techno-Explosion: is when new technological revolutions are created that vastly change our dependency on natural materials. We fix all of our problems and do away with the concept of scarcity. we make a new world where everyone has the ability to pursue their own dreams and individual interest and are encouraged to live to their fullest potential. This is the best possible outcome we can hope for.

Currently the outcome most fitting to our problems is Creative Response. Solving the energy crisis is not going to be easily solved with new technology, it is tied to countless other problems we are facing around the world and will not be fixed without serious change. We will need leaders who are not fallible, but that is the very nature of government, there will always be men who have power over other men. 

Author of Children of Dune, Frank Herbert wrote "Governments, if they endure, always then increasingly toward aristocratic forms. No government in history has been known to evade this pattern. And as the aristocracy develops, government tends more and more to act exclusively in the interest of the ruling class..."

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