Monday, November 24, 2014

Baltimore Comic-Con AKA 'Sad-Con'

I was super excited for Baltimore Comic-Con when I discovered I could go. I knew George Perez, my favorite comic book artist, would be there and it was my first Comic-Con! As we drove up to the convention centr my eyes began to sparkle with joy as I saw my favorite comic book characters in cosplay gather for photos outside the convention center doors.

As we enter the Gaylord BCC, a convention center I know all too well, a rush of confusion slowly
grew over me. Being familiar with the convention center I knew where they would hold their panels, dealers room, and where attendees would congregate to mingle. The confusion came from why the convention was not laid out that way and where everything was.

Everything was hidden in BFE nowheresville in the back of the convention center but the entrance to the dealers room was an exit underneath the convention. It was all overwhelmingly confusing, unorganized, and small. I was almost mad that I had spent $60 on tickets for here when there was nothing to do. Basically it turned into a glorified shopping trip where i bought nothing.

Fortunately I came with the plan to film, unfortunately I didn't come in cosplay because I would have been one of the best ones there. I got some decent footage and there were some nice cosplays, but there was an overwhelming lack of cosplay and happiness. I also never got to see George Perez because the line for him began on the opposite side of the 1/2 mile long room. and it wrapped around the room.

I don't have very much to say about this convention. It was my first american comic book convention so I now get to see the differences between anime and comic conventions, which has made me appreciate how friendly and open everyone is at anime conventions. And although I got some footage from the con it was not $60 worth. I should have cosplayed and they should rename the con Sad-Con.

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