Monday, November 24, 2014

Beep Baseball

For one of my culture credits I chose to attend a fellow capstoners event. Haley Green, a soon to be graduate, threw an event recognising degenerative eyes diseases. This particular event hit close to home with Haley as one of her neighbors, a girl who just turned 15, is slowly losing her sight over time. Haley stated "By the time she is 18 she will have lost her sight completely."

Over the summer Haley attended the Hagerstown Suns Beep Ball event, where the suns played with
kids who had or were in the process of losing their sight. Beep Baseball is a physical therapy used to help with listening and coordination skills. This is where Haley learned that one of the children participating is her neighbor. This girls parents were the coordinators of the event and are looking for ways to spread the word about their daughters disease, while raising money to pay for their daughters medical bills.

When Haley contacted the parents they were more than eager to help Haley with her capstone. After recruiting the shepherd baseball team and putting in some practice time she was ready for her event.

The night of Haley's event attracted over 80 shepherd students, a very successful number! All proceeds went to the family of Haley's neighbor to help with their daughters medical bills. But this event was not just successful because of the turn out or amount of money raised, it was successful because it enlightened the students and staff about a medical issues that we feel invincible to. When asked Haley stated "Think of how awful it is to come into this world, knowing what it looks like then to have that taken away." I could not imagine the horrible feeling it must be when you know you have forgotten your parents face.

I am very glad I attended Haleys event, it enlightened us while reminding us to be thankful for everything we have and to help brighten others who do not have the luxuries we do.

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