Monday, November 24, 2014

Could Hunger Games be Our Future?!

Let me start by putting it out there, I don't read. Books have never been enticing to me no matter how
amazing someone claims the story is. So I just wait for the movie to come out. One series that has caught my attention has been the Hunger Game series, which depicts a future that could be our own if we do not start to shape up our government and way of life.

Because I don't read so I didn't know this: Panem, the country in which the Hunger Games takes place is America. That blew my mind when I found out. We are living in an exciting time where we will experience rapid change in technology and social engineering. The baby boomers are dying out and it will soon be up to generations X and Y to reshape our future.

Scientist have concluded that there are 4 possible futures for the human race: Collapse, Creative Response, Techno-Stability, and Techno-Explosion.

The Collapse: is essentially the apocalypse. Nothing lives, everything we have work towards dies out and in another billion years there will begin a new era. 

Creative Response: is the most likely of our options. We will use up everything and continue to ignore our problems until our way of life is drastically altered. The planet is severely ruined but small pockets of civilization will survive. Most will be poor but there will be a small group of power holders who will hold power. This outcome is the most similar to Panem in Hunger Games. 

Techno-Stability: we face our problems head on and throw out the thought of "well I wont be here when it goes to shit". We start making real sacrifices and find solutions to our problems that work with the environment to have a relatively comfortable standard of living in the future. This future will also include the modern elite to be stemmed, spreading the wealth and power.

Techno-Explosion: is when new technological revolutions are created that vastly change our dependency on natural materials. We fix all of our problems and do away with the concept of scarcity. we make a new world where everyone has the ability to pursue their own dreams and individual interest and are encouraged to live to their fullest potential. This is the best possible outcome we can hope for.

Currently the outcome most fitting to our problems is Creative Response. Solving the energy crisis is not going to be easily solved with new technology, it is tied to countless other problems we are facing around the world and will not be fixed without serious change. We will need leaders who are not fallible, but that is the very nature of government, there will always be men who have power over other men. 

Author of Children of Dune, Frank Herbert wrote "Governments, if they endure, always then increasingly toward aristocratic forms. No government in history has been known to evade this pattern. And as the aristocracy develops, government tends more and more to act exclusively in the interest of the ruling class..."

Beep Baseball

For one of my culture credits I chose to attend a fellow capstoners event. Haley Green, a soon to be graduate, threw an event recognising degenerative eyes diseases. This particular event hit close to home with Haley as one of her neighbors, a girl who just turned 15, is slowly losing her sight over time. Haley stated "By the time she is 18 she will have lost her sight completely."

Over the summer Haley attended the Hagerstown Suns Beep Ball event, where the suns played with
kids who had or were in the process of losing their sight. Beep Baseball is a physical therapy used to help with listening and coordination skills. This is where Haley learned that one of the children participating is her neighbor. This girls parents were the coordinators of the event and are looking for ways to spread the word about their daughters disease, while raising money to pay for their daughters medical bills.

When Haley contacted the parents they were more than eager to help Haley with her capstone. After recruiting the shepherd baseball team and putting in some practice time she was ready for her event.

The night of Haley's event attracted over 80 shepherd students, a very successful number! All proceeds went to the family of Haley's neighbor to help with their daughters medical bills. But this event was not just successful because of the turn out or amount of money raised, it was successful because it enlightened the students and staff about a medical issues that we feel invincible to. When asked Haley stated "Think of how awful it is to come into this world, knowing what it looks like then to have that taken away." I could not imagine the horrible feeling it must be when you know you have forgotten your parents face.

I am very glad I attended Haleys event, it enlightened us while reminding us to be thankful for everything we have and to help brighten others who do not have the luxuries we do.

Baltimore Comic-Con AKA 'Sad-Con'

I was super excited for Baltimore Comic-Con when I discovered I could go. I knew George Perez, my favorite comic book artist, would be there and it was my first Comic-Con! As we drove up to the convention centr my eyes began to sparkle with joy as I saw my favorite comic book characters in cosplay gather for photos outside the convention center doors.

As we enter the Gaylord BCC, a convention center I know all too well, a rush of confusion slowly
grew over me. Being familiar with the convention center I knew where they would hold their panels, dealers room, and where attendees would congregate to mingle. The confusion came from why the convention was not laid out that way and where everything was.

Everything was hidden in BFE nowheresville in the back of the convention center but the entrance to the dealers room was an exit underneath the convention. It was all overwhelmingly confusing, unorganized, and small. I was almost mad that I had spent $60 on tickets for here when there was nothing to do. Basically it turned into a glorified shopping trip where i bought nothing.

Fortunately I came with the plan to film, unfortunately I didn't come in cosplay because I would have been one of the best ones there. I got some decent footage and there were some nice cosplays, but there was an overwhelming lack of cosplay and happiness. I also never got to see George Perez because the line for him began on the opposite side of the 1/2 mile long room. and it wrapped around the room.

I don't have very much to say about this convention. It was my first american comic book convention so I now get to see the differences between anime and comic conventions, which has made me appreciate how friendly and open everyone is at anime conventions. And although I got some footage from the con it was not $60 worth. I should have cosplayed and they should rename the con Sad-Con.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Final Draft of 'I've Gotta Sew' Lyrics a Domino Parody

I look sexy and kawaii
everyone’s attention on me
flash of camera everywhere
Bunny ears in my hair

Dressing up around conventions like there’s nobody there
Taking pictures of otaku, making everyone stare
Do you sew? That costume’s out of control

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
we can cosplay all night
Damn this costume is tight
sewin’ it on
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Im starting to feel numb
keep ricking my thumb                                     
Otaku, come on!
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

There’s no time for sleeping tonight
costume’s not ready to be shown
nothing seems to be going right
with this cosplay, now I’ve gotta sew

Every hem needs to be sew tight
When I’m done I will let you know
there will be no sleeping tonight
Can’t stop now because I’ve gotta sew

Fabric spread everywhere
I’m in need of a prayer
Why won’t this piece just stay
costume’s in total dismay

Styling my wig, its not working, I think I need hairspray
new anime distracting me from my own cosplay
I should sew, procrastination

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (Its out of control)
We can cosplay all night
Damn this costume is tight
Sewing it on
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Im starting to feel numb
keep pricking my thumb                                     
Otaku, come on!
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Pre-reg badge pick up is tonight
guess ill wait in the line tomorrow
nothing seems to be going right
with this cosplay, now ive gotta sew

Forget thread, I’m losing this fight
Cant deal with the stitches anymore
Heat the glue gun, this isn’t right
We’ll just hope that no one will know

Ooh, got my tickets to the con
Ooh, I’ll be there with my costume on
Ooh, I cant get contacts in right
Ooh, the corset makes my head light
Ooh, body paint is starting to crack
Ooh, times is rushing I’m losing track
Ooh, let’s get dressed up tonight

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Let’s get dressed in cosplay tonight
Make this one the best I’ve ever sewn
We’ll be dancing in the rave lights
Make it worth the time I’ve had to sew

Every hem seems to be sewn (glued?)  tight
We wont stop until they make us go
There will be no sleeping tonight
Gotta start new cosplay, I’ve gotta sew

Erik the Slayer

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim is the most immersive and unique game of the Elder Scrolls series. With its wide range of 150 dungeons it would only be fitting to make the Non-Playable Characters just as unique as each of the draugr ridden dungeons. One NPC that you can find longing for adventure in Rorikstead is Erik the Slayer.

Erik the Slayer is an NPC character in the Elder Scrolls: Skyrim who is based off of one of Elder
Scroll's super fans Erik West, who's online alias was Immok the Slayer. Erik, who died in May of 2011, impressed Bethesda so much with his knowledge of Oblivion that they gave him an in depth tour of Bethesda studios, via Make-A-Wish foundation, and decided to immortalize him in the game. Unfortunately Erik lost his battle with cancer and never got to see the release of Skyrim.

Adventures at Anime USA

In 1999, a group of anime fans came together and started Anime USA, a three-day convention celebrating Japanese animation, art, culture, history, and fashion. In 2004, Anime USA formed a non-profit educational organization to host the convention. Anime USA’s mission is to promote, as well as educate the public about Japanese arts and popular culture. Anime USA is a nonprofit managed solely by a staff of volunteers. Anime USA is a convention of Otaku, run by Otaku, for Otaku.

The term Otaku originates from Japan. The term is used to describe people with obsessive interests, usually surrounding the anime and manga fandom. This term has both a negative and positive association with it. In Japan it holds a more negative connotation because of the stereotypes and media reporting on “The Otaku Murder” in 1989. The stereotypes that usually go along with an Otaku are: social outcast, unattractive, apathetic, and spend most of their time tending to their fandom. Similar to the American gamer stereotype we hold. Over the years the term has grown in popularity and positivity. This can be especially shown in the United States. Many American anime and manga fans now identify themselves as Otaku.

Anime USA is one of the smaller conventions I’ve attended, but that does not mean it is small on the cosplay. Nearly every attendee who did not have a professional camera in hand was in costume. There was a wide variety of cosplay from the American “Where’s Waldo” and “How to train your dragon” to the Japanese “Attack on Titan” and “Kill la Kill”. The percentage of cosplayers to normal otaku attendees was so large that the professional photographers spent all their time in the outdoor garden photographing the cosplayers.

With the rise of Tumblr, an artistic sharing website, has come a rise in cross-plays. Cross-play is a term used to describe the merging of two characters or two universes together into one costume. An example of this is seen in the wisely popular Sailor Princesses. Artist have taken the Disney Princesses and the Sailor Scouts from Sailor Moon to create Sailor Scout outfits for the princesses based off of their original design. 

A small convention also does not mean small on entertainment. One thing Anime USA had that I have never seen at a convention before was the Maid café. A Maid café is a subcategory of cosplay themed restaurants found in Japan. Waitresses dress up as cute maids, based off of the French maid style, and act as servants, treating the customers as masters and mistresses in a private home. Upon entering many Maid café’s the maids will greet the customer with “Welcome home, Master”. 

Originally the Maid cafés were designed to appeal to the stereotypical male Otaku. The maid image has been popularized and fetishized in many anime and manga. Most maids are “moe” characters, meaning they are young, submissive, innocent looking female characters. To further their “moe-ness” or cutesy-ness the maid will typically decorate a customer’s order with syrup or ketchup at the table. 
This was a very successful convention. Anime USA was very successful with providing an educational experience about popular Japanese culture while bringing a community together. As an attendee you really felt the love from the community for their fellow cosplayers and their fandom. The convention left me with overwhelming excitement to attend the next Anime USA.