Thursday, October 9, 2014

Escape into Cosplay

Why is cosplay so appealing? Why do so many humans find it so freeing to take on another persona for a short period of time? One explanation for its appeal can be attributed to escapism; the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy.

Now this does not mean that all cosplayers are unhappy with their lives or constantly feel that they are oppressed within their realities. This could not be farther from the truth. Cosplayers, like every other human being, have the urge to try new adventures in another persons shoes, they have just found their release from reality by dressing as fictional characters.  

We can see a parallel of escapism in cosplay through Gordon Calleja's Digital Games and Escapism

Calleja discusses the nature of escapism and how it plays a role in our everyday lives. As humans we look for temporary relief from the mundane tasks. Many find this relief in video games or sports as explained in Calleja's article. 

In an interview with cosplayers Zinny Cat and Amanda about some misconceptions of cosplay they express their opinions as to why cosplay is so vastly popular.

Cosplay gives someone the chance to escape their day to day lives and live in a world where a persons fandom becomes reality and is shared across countless other fans supporting their love and craft. Cosplay creates cross country and international friendships that would otherwise not manifest. 

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