Thursday, April 23, 2015


Generally, the equipment used for stage lighting, such as the cabling, dimming and/or constant power equipment, and all forms of control are used in several different areas of Entertainment Lighting, such as Corporate Events, Concerts, Television and Film. At WHAG we use florescent lights 

Selective Visibility: The ability to see what is occurring on stage. Any lighting design will be ineffective if the viewers cannot see the characters, unless this is the explicit intent.
Revelation of form: Altering the perception of shapes onstage, particularly three-dimensional stage elements.
Focus: Directing the audience's attention to an area of the stage or distracting them from another.
Mood: Setting the tone of a scene. Harsh red light has a different effect than soft lavender light.
Location and time of day: Establishing or altering position in time and space. Blues can suggest night time while orange and red can suggest a sunrise or sunset. Use of mechanical filters ("gobos") to project sky scenes, the Moon, etc.
Projection/stage elements: Lighting may be used to project scenery or to act as scenery onstage.
Plot (script): A lighting event may trigger or advance the action onstage and off.
Composition: Lighting may be used to show only the areas of the stage which the designer wants the audience to see.

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