Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Exploring the Depths of Elder Scrolls

Elder Scrolls: Skyrim is one of my favorite games. The graphics were top notch for its time, the nonlinear game play makes for a personalized story, and each NPC within the game has a unique back story that opens up a hidden world within the game that most players would over look just playing the main quest. 

Skyrim was also the most graphically realistic game of its time. The detail that went into the textures of the most overlooked objects, like grains in the wood stumps, enhanced the reality of the world, almost making it feel like the player truly stepped back in time into a world where dragons roam free. 

For this blog series I will explore and explain many topics relating to The Elder Scrolls series, more specifically Skyrim. I will research Norse mythology and culture and how it is accurately depicted in the game.
I will describe how the newest technology can improve game play while increasing the in game experience with the player. I will also explain how this game has affected our culture.

Throughout this series I will also explore into the expanded universe of Elder Scrolls into an online MMO game. I will see how the governmental issues within Skyrim mirror that of past governments. And I will discuss controversy within the world of Elder Scrolls both internally created and externally made though mods.

Skyrim is the most unique game of all the Elder Scrolls series. It is the first to allow a player to cut complete ties from the main story quest and venture off on their own personally designed adventure. Each NPC within the game feels like a real person and has a story to be told that increases the complexity and emotional connection to the game, if the player chooses to listen.

To give you an idea of how large Skyrim is…

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