Friday, September 6, 2013

The NSA Leak

After reading the Article 'The US government has betrayed the internet. We need to take it back' I found myself agreeing with the writer Bruce Schneier. I do believe that our government has betrayed us and that they are now untrustworthy more than ever. How can we live in a free country where we are treated like criminals before we commit the crime? 

Yes, I do see and understand the "perks" of the US government seeing everything we have in our possession and innermost thoughts.
However, that does not make it right. When SOPA came out everyone was up in arms about the unfairness of this issue and even though the public clearly responded negatively to the internet restrictions and rules the US government felt we would be okay with them invading our privacy. I'm sorry but don't you need a warrant with probable cause to search through my stuff? Not when you're the US government you don't! 

I'm glad someone like Snowden stood up and said "No this is wrong!" and risked everything to speak up and warn the public of the government we have so blindly trusted. It also pleases me to see someone like Bruce Schneier ask for the insiders to give their stories and collect them. With enough stories and information behind this movement there is no way the government, or the public, could ignore the betrayal and anger left behind by not only Snowden but the countless others who are brave enough to speak up. We are not China, we are not communist, we are a democracy and reserve the right to surf our internet freely. 

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