Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fill in the story (Razer Inc.)

As Jenny entered the Best Buy to purchase a new gaming mouse, headset, and gaming computer for her boyfriend. She wants him to have the best interface experience with his video games, but is unsure of which products to purchase for him. The friendly Best Buy employee greeted the troubled looking woman and asked if she needed assistance. Jenny, who was flustered, quickly told the nice man what she was looking for. "Follow me", said the man "I'll take you too our Razer gaming equipment." Once they entered the aisle Jenny was astonished by the vast amount of technology before her. "This brand here has the latest technology and highest performance quality for gaming equipment." Said the man. "This 14-inch Razer blade embodies the continuing drive to design the worlds best gaming laptops for those gamers who need increasingly powerful performance to play the newest games. Your boyfriend will surely not be left behind and have to deal with out dated equipment."